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Writer: Zhada RayZhada Ray

While studying for the NCLEX-PN (exam to become a Licensed Practical Nurse), I was in a Bachelor of Science degree program for Nursing. As a result, I was also studying and practicing for the NCLEX-RN (exam to become a Registered Nurse). I wondered about the differences and what to study.

I searched online. I searched videos. I searched podcasts. There wasn't a lot of information out there about the differences between the exams. Of course, each exam is different for each test taker. However, I still wanted to know. As a result, I recorded myself around test taking time for both exams. I wanted others to have the information that I couldn't find.

My Experiences with NCLEX-PN

My Experiences with NCLEX-RN

My Take Aways

I used the website, UWorld, to study for both exams... kinda. As you can see in the second video, I definitely don't feel like I studied enough. I studied here and there while at work on a travel assignment. But often times, I would get interrupted by nurses telling their stories wrestling with the NCLEX. I was too much of a busy body, exploring the city with one of my closest friends at home to sit and study. Although he was very supportive. So, I was surprised that I passed. But I am very glad that I did.

The NCLEX-RN had more pharmacology, women's health, and medical questions. Yes, it also had safety questions. The goal is to make sure that you are a safe nurse on the floor. It didn't have as much fundamental content as the NCLEX-PN. I joke and say what I studied for the NCLEX-PN was on the NCLEX-RN and vice versa.

So, my advice would be to study it all. Study for the fundamentals as well as the pharmacology, disease process, and etc. for both exams. Why? Because honestly, you're going to use the information that you learn for both exams in real life.

Study for the job. Study to take care of people's family members. Study to take care of yours (because they will be calling). Study for life, not a test. And you will do well.

Best of luck! Stay in touch and subscribe.


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